Randall Woodfin endorses ‘proven leader’ Walt Maddox for governor
May 17, 2018Walt Maddox gets Alabama Democratic Conference endorsement
May 19, 2018Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin endorses Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox in bid for governor
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT) – Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin has endorsed Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox in his bid for governor ahead of the state’s Democratic primary.
Woodfin awarded Maddox his endorsement over candidates like Sue Bell Cobb and James C. Fields during a Thursday press conference in Birmingham. In front of an audience at the Birmingham Intermodal Transit Facility, Woodfin stated his support for Maddox after commenting on the need for improved public transit in the state.
“Alabama, we deserve better. Earlier, I said it was my honor to stand beside a proven leader,” Woodfin said. “Now I’d like to say, it is my great privilege to offer my endorsement to Walt Maddox to be the next governor of the Great State of Alabama.”
After Woodfin offered remarks, Maddox took to the podium to offer his thanks and lay out his plan for the state.
Continue reading and watch the full press conference at CBS42.com